瘋狂的麥咭第三季是由執導,王俊凱,王源,易烊千璽,杜海濤,丁程鑫,黃其淋,譚薇,夏克立,夏天,黃嘉千主演的一部大陸綜藝。主要講述了:《瘋狂的麥咭》原名《瘋狂的石頭》,是金鷹卡通衛視2014年引進日本NTV電視臺『寶探しアドベンチャー 謎解きバトルTORE !』大型綜藝節目,作為一檔明星親子益智歷險闖關節目。《瘋狂的麥咭》主打差

Director Richard Linklater subsequently employed Sabiston and his proprietary Rotoshop software in the full-length feature movies Waking Life (2001) and A Scanner Darkly (2006). Linklater licensed the same proprietary rotoscoping process for the look of both movies. Linklater was the first director to use digital rotoscoping to create an entire feature movie