絆之Allele是由駒屋健一郎執導,日原亞由美川口莉奈貫井柚佳小玉光塙有咲主演的一部日韓動漫。主要講述了:《Kizuna no Allele》敘述如隕星般在網絡世界中出場,知名度瘋漲的超級偶像「絆愛」,連續五年得到「Virtual Grid Award」較大殊榮「金兔獎」后忽然大眾的視野里消退。 隨著時間
When the dancers move, I want the audience to feel something pulling back against them, the mortality that everyone’s desperate to escape from but can’t… it’s Greek tragedy Persephone… I want to feel the membrane that separates our world from the heaven’s, that we can never quite touch… if we can stretch a little further, we’d be immortal. 這段太感人