不明飛行物是由拉斯·梅伯里執導,丹尼斯·杜根,吉姆·戴爾,朗·穆迪,肯尼思·莫爾主演的一部喜劇片。主要講述了:An astronaut and his android double travel back to the time of King Arthur.
特別意外,好喜歡,真的很難擁有這么沉浸式的觀看體驗,仿佛六個小時電影。The Herald是所有有過改變世界念頭的人都想擁有的烏托邦,里面的人都是最可愛的理想主義者(黑人女性上司,女性主編,同性戀調查記者,political correctness得讓我很快樂)。不管是Holly還是James還是Amina都是很spotlight的人物,完美,讓人對journalism抱有希望。很喜歡它的一點是它從沒說過the post會輸,Duncan和Ed這樣的pure slag可能到最后還是會贏,但是因為有The Herald這樣的美麗illusion,仍然會有人相信not being heard is no reason for silence這樣白日夢一樣的話語。
After Bob's death, Fern chose to stay, being houseless - "If I left, it'd be like he never existed," she said, "I couldn't pack up & move on". Some who suffer from loss feel guilty about survival & regard recovery as a betrayal. The pains they cling to is an expression of loyalty. They need time with emotional support, not blame for being stubborn.