反貪風暴2是由林德祿執導,古天樂,張智霖,周渝民,蔡少芬,林保怡,盧海鵬,石修,曾志偉,陳靜,曾國祥,夏嫣,張松枝,姜皓文,蔡潔,歐錦棠,徐靖雯,宋海頡,陳宇琛,陸駿光,李忠希,張同祖,鄭敬基,郭鋒,尹子維主演的一部劇情片。主要講述了:廉政公署根據調查,發現馬會的球賽博彩操盤手(尹子維 飾)涉嫌違法行為。在試圖調查此人的時候,此人卻遭殺手(周渝民 飾)殺害。廉署首席調查主任陸志廉(古天樂 飾)作為目擊證人受到重案組督察劉保強(張

"A lotta kids go through sth like that, and then they have to kind of struggle on and figure out. "Ok, actually, I am not quite who I thought I was. Who I'm I? How do I be a good person?" Seems like a real simple question, but, most of us spend our lives working at it. Cause, every time you think you've found your way, the way changes.”