瓊樓夢是由Tim Whelan執導,索尼婭·德雷斯戴爾,沃爾特·菲茨杰拉德,Emrys Jones,Scott Forbes,Barbara White主演的一部劇情片。主要講述了:在外人看來,拉塞爾一家是完美的模范家庭,家境富裕,夫妻和睦,兒女出色,幾乎毫無任何缺點,然而身為女家長的西爾維婭·拉塞爾(Sonia Dresdel)實際是一個冷酷無情、渴望權力、控制欲爆棚的女人

This is a very nice psychoanalysis text, and it also remind us that the dangerous of exposing oneself in a specific situation. The elements of Gothic horrible film always shows how unconscious worked : archetype projected to everywhere and appear in the image of ghost. Especially at that time woman are actually repressed in sexual aspects- as we all know, the more you repress, the more the unconscious is evoked.