一刑的烏鴉是由田中亮,星野和成,森脅智延,并木道子 Michiko Namiki執導,竹野內豐,黑木華,佐佐木藏之介 Kuranosuke Sasaki主演的一部日劇。主要講述了:入間道夫(竹野內豐飾)是一個為了絕不制造冤案,親自進行現場驗證,查明事件真相的不守常規的刑事法官。雖然與穩重的法官形象相去甚遠,但他有著自由的觀察眼光和徹底調查的探究心,完全不受約束、偏見和成見的
we are just the same, with wonderful dreams and hard lifes. "having the vagina doesn't mean that you're gonna have a fabulous life. It might, in fact, be worse." "i want a car. i want to be with a man i love. i want a nice home. i want to live a normal, happy life." "you don't have to bend the whole world. i think it's better to just enjoy it."