一粒紅塵是由宋洋執導,吳奇隆,穎兒,葉祖新,任言愷,米露,楊菲洋,徐開騁,衛萊,龍政璇,張璇,李芯逸,李思陽,夏若妍,恬妞,寇振海,劉潔,岳躍利,夏力薪,黎明明主演的一部國產劇。主要講述了:葉昭覺(穎兒 飾)和男友簡晨燁(任言愷 飾)相戀多年,彼此之間感情十分要好。簡晨燁的心中懷揣著向往藝術的宏大理想,為了支持男友實現自己的理想,葉昭覺每天都努力的工作,所得悉數上交,盼著簡晨燁能夠有
In addition to its geographical component, home is a spiritual possession that people feel attached, or sometimes entitled to. With a nostalgic mixture, this film captures the complexity of feelings to the notion of home, and eventually, unveils the modern syndrome of gentrification and the dynamics between city and human existence