水果籃子第一季是由井端義秀,殿勝秀樹,高島大輔,榎本明廣,豬狩崇,平向智子,川越崇弘,鈴木孝聰,土屋康郎,工藤寬顯,野木森達哉執導,石見舞菜香,島崎信長,內田雄馬,中村悠一,種崎敦美,佐藤聰美,釘宮理惠,潘惠美,古川慎,興津和幸,櫻井孝宏,坂本真綾,澤城美雪,市道真央主演的一部日韓動漫。主要講述了:本田透(堀江由衣 配音)是一名單純善良的女子高中生。母親過世后,無處可去的她在誤打誤撞之中住進了校草草摩由希(久川綾 配音)的家中。草摩由希家里有十二口人,很快,本田透就發現了他們身上的秘密。原來

Starts with the most formulaic and exhausted trope: the old accomplished cop on the verge of retiring dies, and his partner decides to take vengeance upon the villain responsible of his death. This one too is just as compliant to the standards & clicheys of the 80's hotcop: good heart but blamable methods. Dafoe's persona by contrast is appealing, esp. due to his (justified) artistic tendencies, a pretext for aesthetic interior settings - "Dance" by Matisse can be spotted during a fit of giggles. Later the storyline swerves off the beaten path with a couple of crushing failures for our cops, but not without good entertainment value (engaging car chase & final showdown). Good epilogue as well