明月曾照江東寒是由藍海瀚,王飛執導,于朦朧,邢菲,閆肅 Su Yan主演的一部國產劇。主要講述了:該劇講述初入江湖的古靈精怪少女戰清泓和表面是狂蕩不羈的病嬌公子、實則身懷家族仇恨、謀略頗深的林放以及貴族出身卻向往江湖的溫宥之間的江湖軍事愛情故事。
「It's hard for many people to believe that there are extraordinary things inside themselves, as well as others. I hope you can keep an open mind.」「It's alright to be afraid because this part won't be like a comic book. Real life doesn't fit into little boxes that were drawn for it.」「Do you know what the scariest thing is? To not know your place in this world, to not know why you're here. That's - that's just an awful feeling.」