樂在其中是由執導,沈夢辰,吳澤林主演的一部大陸綜藝。主要講述了:以2期世界音樂節 1臺世界音樂盛典的“2 1”模式,邀請國內外民族音樂人齊聚中國,對世界唱響 融合、創新、年輕的中國民族音樂,打造話題出圈的音樂大事件。
A crucial display of what it means to treat an intersectional individual as a person: In Amin's own words, we get to how he reflects his struggles over political and religious beliefs, over sexuality, over race and nationality, and over poverty. The only exoticizing element is the "refugee" identity, which might;ve triggered the initial interest.