愛情與靈藥[電影解說]是由愛德華·茲威克執導,安妮·海瑟薇,杰克·吉倫哈爾,朱迪·格雷爾,漢克·阿扎利亞,喬什·加德,奧利弗·普萊特,蓋布瑞·馬赫特,喬治·席格,吉爾·克雷伯格,凱特·詹寧斯·格蘭特,凱瑟琳·溫妮克主演的一部電影解說。主要講述了:杰米(杰克?吉倫哈爾 飾)出身醫藥世家,舌燦蓮花,熱情似火,是電器行的金牌銷售,不過由于桃花運太壯,以至于因為跟女同事在工作時間親熱,被老板開除。此后,他在輝瑞公司

the comradery of black americans, the unity against unjust laws, favors u did in the past, really touching and beautiful. dialogues are at times cringey and melodramatic ... and plot points often unrealistic. queen's character really unlikeable, but maybe "black people don't have to be excellent, they can just be". ending is really good!